PA Network Lunch

Join the PA Network for lunch in Darwin Rose Gardens on Wednesday 23 July from 12-2pm.

Bring your packed lunch with you and meet like-minded PA and administrative colleagues. Free tea and coffee will also be available.

What is the PA Network?

A new professional network for likeminded, skilled and enthusiastic professionals to meet, share good practice and foster new ideas. Opportunities include:

  • Career advancement with the opportunity to diversify skills through targeted workshops supported by the Learning and Development Department
  • Mentoring and shadowing scheme
  • Job secondment, ‘job swap for a day’
  • A forum to encourage confidence and empowerment through motivational workshops and training
  • Building relationships with colleagues to promote the importance of the role which is pivotal to organisational life
  • Career guidance and advice
  • Advice for aspiring PAs
  • A forum to discuss opportunities and challenges in the role

The Network will meet in a workshop format once a term with a conference at the end of the academic year.

In addition, members can access the PA Network Forum on SharePoint all year round.

Email for more information.
