Free event to explore role of philanthropy in healthcare and research (24 March)

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SSPSSR’s Centre for Philanthropy is holding an online event to critically analyse the role of philanthropy in healthcare and research.

The free event, which takes place on Wednesday 24 March (15.30-17.30), will feature inputs from third sector experts reflecting on the role of private donations before, during and after the global Covid-19 pandemic. The University’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Karen Cox, will open the event with a welcome speech before the talks begin regarding philanthropy’s impact on Covid-19 research, NHS relief and rebuilding healthcare charities.

The event sessions include:

Research: The role of philanthropy in funding treatment, cures and vaccines

Chair: Dr Beth Breeze, Director, Centre for Philanthropy, University of Kent

Speaker: Paul Ramsbottom OBE, CEO of the Wolfson Foundation – on how they approach what to fund in the health sphere and why they were funding infectious disease and vaccine research in advance of the pandemic.

Relief: Captain Sir Tom Moore and the NHS Charities

Chair: Professor John Mohan, Director, Third Sector Research Centre, University of Birmingham

Speakers: Adrian Beney and Rachel Hall of More Partnerships, who supported NHS Charities Together – on the inside story of coping with the incredible public response not only to Sir Tom Moore’s fundraising, which raised more than £32 million, but also the other £100 million that was given, and explaining why and how the NHS uses charitable donations for the benefit of staff and patients.

Rebuilding: Health care charities

Chair: Dr Jurgen Grotz, Director, Institute for Volunteering Research, University of East Anglia

Speakers: Dr Helen Bowcock, Chair of Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex, and Lydia Todd, Challenge events fundraiser, Pilgrims Hospices – on how their organisations interact with the NHS, their reliance on private support and the challenge faced in fundraising during the pandemic and going forward.

The open to all event is supported by the Pears Foundation and organised in partnership with Kent and Medway Medical School, The Third Sector Research Centre (TSRC) – University of Birmingham, University of East Anglia and the University of Kent’s Civil Society research cluster.

Individuals can register to attend via Eventbrite.

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