We are pleased to invite applications for the Tizard PhD Studentship. The Tizard Centre is one of the leading academic groups concerned with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Successful applicants will have the opportunity to work alongside academics renowned nationally and internationally for their contributions to the field. The Tizard Centre offers the following research programmes on a full or part-time basis:
Community Care
Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Applied Psychology
Mental Health of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
For further information about the Tizard Centre, the academic staff and the research we undertake, please see our website.
We welcome applications concerning all aspects of research into intellectual and developmental disabilities, but the academic staff named below indicate their particular interests:
Dr Peter Baker on emotional support of staff working in services for people with intellectual disabilities who present challenging behaviour.
Dr Magali Barnoux on people with IDD in the criminal justice system, in terms of offending behaviour, victims, and/or witnesses.
Dr Jill Bradshaw on the broad areas of communication and interaction and people with intellectual disabilities and autistic people; person-centred approaches, including person-centred active support; communication and behaviours of challenge; communication and positive behaviour support; augmentative and alternative communication; co-production; families; user views; early intervention
Professor Michelle McCarthy on the broad areas of relationships and sexuality; abuse; sexual and reproductive health, especially for women with learning disabilities, reproductive rights for women with learning disabilities (abortion, sterilization), media representations of people with learning disabilities.
Dr Damian Milton on autism in a social and cultural context, ‘critical autism studies’, participatory research and the autistic ‘voice’, qualitative research in the field of autism, autism and empathy, educational approaches, and mentoring practices.
Dr Ciara Padden on behavioural interventions for children and adults with ASD or developmental disabilities; parent and staff training in behavioural interventions; and health and well-being of parents and carers of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Professor Chrissie Rogers (joins Tizard Centre as new Director Jan 2020) on the broad areas of education, inclusion, criminal justice, mothering, care ethics.
Dr Paraskevi Triantafyllopoulou on health related issues and psychological interventions for both children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (e.g large scale GP health related data, sleep, cancer, eating disorders, obesity etc.); educational settings/ approaches for autistic individuals; bullying; online safety; older adults and dementia; autism diagnosis.
The award will cover UK/EU tuition fees and an annual stipend based on the current ESRC studentship maintenance. For more information and details about the application process, please visit our Scholarship pages.