Keep Safe Training

Participants and trainers (Ro Rossiter, Tizard Centre, Stephen Barry and Victoria Jones, Be Safe Service Bristol) at the recent Keep Safe training in London. Keep Safe, an intervention for males aged 12-25 with learning disabilities who have displayed problematic or harmful sexual behaviours, was developed and feasibility trialled through a Tizard based project.

Thanks to Claire Bates and Choice Support for welcoming us. Amazingly, one of their receptionists – also in photo – was one of the characters in the well-known, and still used, sex and relationships video “My Choice, My Own Choice”.

There are a few places left on the next  Keep Safe training 22/23 November 2018 in Glasgow organised by NOTA Scotland- see

For more information on Keep Safe see
Malovic, Aida and Rossiter, Rowena and Murphy, Glynis H. (2018) Keep Safe: the development of a manualised group CBT intervention for adolescents with ID who display harmful sexual behaviours. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities and Offending Behaviour, 9 (1). pp. 49-58. ISSN 2050-8824. (doi: at

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