Careers with Kent Police – Kent Police Recruitment Event – Wed 23 May 15.00-17.00

This event is organised by Kent Police Recruitment for anyone interested in uniformed, non-uniformed, paid and volunteer roles with Kent Police.

Opportunities are currently available in paid uniformed roles including Police Officers and Police Community Support Officers (PCSO) and for the volunteer Special Constabulary.

Kent Police are also recruiting for a wide range of non-uniformed paid roles including Digital Forensics, Designated Detention Officer, police staff roles, Investigators in the Investigation Management Unit (IMU), call handlers and dispatchers, Information Technology, Witness Care Officer and in the Central Process Unit and information technology. Non-uniformed voluntary roles include supporting the Neighbourhood Watch schemes, administrative support to the community safety and investigation units and general administration.

To attend register for the event after checking your eligibility (if you are unsure about eligibility contact Kent Police Recruitment using the contact details on the booking website).

Venue:- Colin Jackson suite, Julie Rose stadium, Willesborough Road, ASHFORD

Booking:- Booking REQUIRED via

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