The week of June 10th-16th is National Carers Week. There are over 6 million unpaid family carers in the UK supporting a relative (or a friend) with a long term disability or condition. Whilst carers are all individuals in different situations, the majority of carers are either mid life women (many of whom give up their jobs to provide care) looking after their frail parents/in law, older spouses caring for a partner, or parents supporting a child with a learning and/or physical disability. There are also a growing group of young carers supporting a parent.
Dr Alisoun Milne, from the School of Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research at the University of Kent, is one of the leads on an ESRC seminar series entitled ‘Carers in the 21st Century’. The series of 4 seminars run from October 2012 to September 2013 and aim to make a key contribution to the development of a coherent evidence base that can be used to develop policy, services and interventions that improve carers’ quality of life and those they support. Participants include researchers, carers, practitioners, policy makers, and representatives from the third sector. Further details, including materials from the first two seminars are also available.