Dr Frank Keating, Senior Lecturer at the Royal Holloway University, London, will be giving the third in our series of Seminars. “Black and minority ethnic (BME) men’s constructions of emotional wellbeing”. This is being held on the 28th November 2012 at the Kent Business School, Lecture Theatre at 1700-1800hrs.
The mental health needs of BME men is an area for public concern. These groups are disproportionately represented in mental health statistics. Common concerns include the high rates of schizophrenia and psychotic disorders and the fact that these men normally find themselves at the harsher end of mental health services. This presentation will report the findings from a qualitative study to explore BME men’s perceptions and constructions of emotional well-being. It will conclude that a complex mix of gendered and racial experiences, coercive power of institutions and men’s own perceptions of services and vice versa contribute to how BME men construe emotional well-being.
To book a place please email J.Ruffels@kent.ac.uk
Related news: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-20300506