Our new Head of School, Professor Nigel Mason, tells us why it’s so important that students get involved with the review and make their voice heard to keep improving the student experience at SPS.
Welcome back. I hope you are ‘back in the groove’ after a festive break.
This term SPS is conducting a major strategic review of all of its activities. A review that is planned to establish the direction and culture of the School of Physical Sciences for the next decade.
Central to this review is the delivery of a unique curriculum tailored to the expectations and demands of our students – YOU. Thus, we want to know your thoughts on all aspects of your experience here in SPS, from your recruitment and induction to your preparations for departure into employment. We want to hear about all aspects of your life as a student in the School. Style and content of teaching, student supervision and pastoral care, our student societies, the Ingram Building’s facilities and another topic you wish to comment on.
Does your course excite and engage you? Are there topics and experiences you would like to see in your curriculum that are not there at present? What is your view on assessment and feedback? How are you prepared for exams? Do we (as a school) give you sufficient support in preparing for a future career?
This is your opportunity to help us not only improve your experience but that of future generation of students so please participate in this review.
I will be talking to your student reps this term but want to give all of you the opportunity to comment and feedback directly. There is a suggestion box in the Ingram foyer – put your comments (and ask Questions) in there — anonymous if you wish. I will also be holding some ‘drop in sessions’ in lunch intervals with refreshments so come along and talk. These will run on the following days:
Wednesday 13th February 12.00 – 13.00 Room 108
Thursday 28th February 13.00 – 14.00 Room 108
Thursday 14th March 13.00 – 14.00 Room 108
Tuesday 2nd April 13.00 – 14.00 Ingram Lecture Theatre
It would be great to see as many of you as possible at these sessions.
Nigel Mason
Head of School