Student Spotlight | Ryosuke Nakajima – MSc Appplied Actuarial Science

Ryosuke shares his experiences studying International MSc in Applied Actuarial Science at the University of Kent, Canterbury.

Why did you choose to study at the University of Kent?

Kent offers the shortest route to become an international qualified actuary across the world, and the tuition fees are very reasonable compared to other universities.

What is the best thing about studying in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science?

The best thing about studying in the School is the intensive class schedule. This year, I’m learning in nine months what undergraduates are studying across three years.

What has been your favourite topic/module on your course?

Probability and Statistics for Actuarial Science is my favourite module. The knowledge we learn in class is the base for data science and any quantitative finance.

What have you found most interesting on your course?

The most interesting topic for me is Enterprise Risk Management taught by Prof. Paul Sweeting, as he is an absolute leading expert of this expanding realm. It is an honour to learn from him.

Have you found the School to be supportive? If so, how has the School supported you?

The lecturers spare their time to answer my questions after class. I am thankful for their supportive attitude.

What do you think of the Sibson Building? What do you think the Building means for students within the School?

The Sibson Building is spacious and I believe it improves PhDs and my lecturers’ productivity.

Can you sum up your course in three words?

Most efficient way.

Would you recommend studying at Kent?

For someone whose ultimate goal is to acquire an international actuarial qualification, I strongly recommend the University of Kent.

For more information about Undergraduate courses in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science at Kent, visit or contact our Admissions Assistant.