What are you studying?
I study Actuarial Science with a Year in Industry.
What Stage will you be in during 2019?
I will be in stage 4.
Where are you from?
I am from Nairobi, Kenya.
How long have you been an ambassador and what made you want to become one?
I have been an ambassador for 3 years now. I’ve always loved teaching young students and meeting new people. Being an ambassador allowed me to do both, and help make a small difference to students lives.
What’s your favourite part about being an ambassador?
My favourite part would be conducting Maths workshops, because it allows you to be as creative as you like, by finding the maths in any field. For example I was able to teach Maths through dancing, to primary students. It is lots of fun and very different to the normal classroom maths.
What kind of work have you been involved in as an ambassador?
I have been involved in applicant days, where I get to speak to prospective students and parents about my University and Year in Industry experience. I have conducted Maths and dance workshops at Primary schools, and taught GCSE Maths at the Royal Harbour.
What’s your favourite thing about being at the University of Kent?
The campus and the town is my favourite thing about the University. It is a hidden gem and I have loved studying here.
Do you have any advice/tips for prospective students?
Dare to try new societies and meet different people. I’m sure you will find that the community is just as wonderful as Canterbury itself.