Total Positivity: a bridge between Representation Theory and Physics

A week of lectures and discussion

The New Year will bring together researchers from pure mathematics and physics in Canterbury for the conference Total Positivity: a bridge between Representation Theory and Physics. We will welcome Professor Nima Arkani-Hamed (Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton) and Professor Lauren Williams (Berkeley), who will each deliver a lecture series, as well as invited speakers from the UK, France, and Germany.

Professor Arkani-Hamed is the inaugural winner of the Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics. He will present on the interactions between Total Positivity, a phenomenon that arises in diverse areas of pure mathematics, and scattering amplitudes in physics.

williams_laurenProfessor Williams (left) has been awarded the 2016 AWM-Microsoft Research Prize in Algebra and Number Theory. She will speak about her work connecting Total Positivity and Integrable Systems.

This interdisciplinary conference is supported by the Anglo-Franco-German Representation Theory Network, and aims to be a springboard for fresh interactions between physics and mathematics.
Full details at