Snow tigers to squad poses | SMSAS students make the most of the snow

 Students in the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS) made the most of the Kent snow last week by taking part in the School’s Snowy Snapshot Competition.

A wide range of snowy snapshots were sent in, including tigers and rabbits sculpted from snow, traditional snowmen, picturesque shots of the Canterbury campus, and magazine-ready portraits.

With nearly 100 images submitted, choosing winners was tough. After a weekend of deliberation, the winners were selected.

Prizes included: a Winter Warmer Hamper, complete with a blanket, hot water bottle, a selection of teas, coffees and hot chocolates, with accompanying hot drink accessories; three Winter Warmer Gift Boxes; four special Restaurant Choice gift card prizes for group pictures; and Mini Winter Warmer Gift Cups.

View all of the photos here.