Professor Peter Clarkson to participate in BIRS conference in Canada

Professor of Mathematics, Professor Peter Clarkson, from the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS) at the University of Kent, has been invited to participate in a Banff International Research Station (BIRS) conference.

The Conference titled, ‘Tau Functions of Integrable Systems and Their Applications‘, will take place in September 2018 in the BIRS buildings at the Banff Centre in Banff, Alberta, Canada.

The main objectives of the conference are:

  1. To foster interactions among the researchers working in the fields of integrable systems, algebraic geometry and related areas of mathematics and mathematical physics (such as random matrices, dynamical systems, etc.) where the tau-functions play an important role
  2. Based on these interactions, to design new mathematical tools and to achieve new progress in the fields of integrable systems and quantum field theory, in particular in computations of conformal blocks and asymptotics of correlation functions. We expect also to clarify the relation between tau-functions and generating functions of symplectic transformations between the space of potentials and the space of monodromy representations of second order equations on a Riemann surface (the Yang-Yang function by Nekrasov-Rosly-Shatashvili).
  3. To use this conference as an opportunity to involve younger researchers into discussions with senior mathematicians, which will be beneficial for their scientific development and may lead to new fresh ideas.

Click here for further details.

Professor Peter Clarkson

Professor of Mathematics

Peter is a Professor of Mathematics, Chair of the School’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Committee, member of the London Mathematical Society’s Women in Mathematics Committee, and Chair of the London Mathematical Society’s Good Practie Scheme. His research interests include PainlevĂ© equations and PainlevĂ© analysis, orthogonal polynomials and special functions, and exact solutions for nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations.