LMS 150th Anniversary Festival

This Friday, 2nd October, Will Hunter will be visiting SMSAS. Will is working in the London Science Museum’ Contemporary Science team on the mathematics festival, … Read more

New Appointments

Professor Peter Hydon is delighted to announce two new appointments: César Lecoutre will be joining us as a Lecturer in Mathematics for one year from … Read more

Wellbeing Week

Your wellbeing plays a key role in your physical and mental health, your personal development and general happiness so it is important to look after … Read more

Staff attend Statistics Week in Hamburg

Rachel McCrea and Emily Dennis attended Statistische Woche (Statistics Week) in Hamburg and gave invited presentations in a Young Symposium session on statistical ecology.  Emily … Read more

Congratulations to Evangelia Mitrodima

The School wishes to congratulate Evangelia (Gelly) Mitrodima who passed her viva on Monday with minor corrections. Well Done!