We caught up with BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science with a Year in Industry student Georgia, to find out more about her course and her experience as a student at Kent.
What made you decide to study your course at University of Kent?
The actuarial science course at Kent was one of the best I had seen, the opportunity to be taught by subject specialists as well as people who had practiced as actuaries really appealed to me. The ability to get a first hand perspective of working as a fully qualified actuary is something I have really enjoyed. The course is fully accredited by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries and offers the full Core Principles exemptions which compelled me to pick the University of Kent as it not only gives you a full degree but also a foot in the door in terms of professional exams with the institute.
What has been your favourite module so far, and why?
I thoroughly enjoyed the Actuarial Practice 1 module in stage 1 of the course. It was one of the first modules I covered on the course and gave me a real insight into the professional aspect of being an actuary. As the course is half mathematics modules and half finance modules it was interesting to see where what we are covering fits into a real world scenario. The first piece of coursework we completed for the Actuarial Practice module was a professional CV and Cover Letter and it was interesting to get these documents started and they definitely gave us a head start in terms of a professional workplace. Furthermore, as the Year in Industry is something I was interested in, the ability to see what companies would want in terms of employability was very helpful.
What societies would you recommend to new students and why?
I am a part of the Invicta Actuarial Society, as well as the Mathematics Society. I would recommend attending the freshers fair and at least signing up for every society that interests new students as in the first week or so of term these societies are usually free to attend and you can decide if you enjoy them before you pay for membership. Societies give such a good opportunity to meet new people and explore interests that are separate to your degree that you may have a prior interest in or be completely new to you.
During lockdown, have there been any socials or other events you have loved?
During lockdown, most societies have been holding various quiz nights and when restrictions were looser some outdoor sports were able to train together, it’s been a great way to keep in contact with people as well as get a break from university life.
What’s your favourite thing about living in Canterbury?
When I was applying to university I was blown away by how beautiful the Campus is. I saw the university and thought that it would be a lovely place to live. Canterbury has really good connections with other parts of Kent as well as the train line into central London. The high speed takes 50 minutes and takes you straight into London Stratford. There are great beaches around Kent, some are no more than 20 minutes on the bus that you can get from central campus as well as in town. My favourite part of Canterbury is the social aspect, the university itself has multiple bars, clubs and restaurants as well as the town having many places to meet friends and go out. One of my favourites times of year is Christmas when the lights get switched on in the high street and there’s a Christmas market.
What would you recommend to a new first year student studying your course?
Focus! The actuarial science course is demanding and some topics can be confusing but if you fall behind it can take a toll on your studies. If you can keep on top of the coursework during the week you’ll leave yourself time to join societies and do things you enjoy. The balance between your life and your degree is really important. I would also say that with the current circumstances make sure you’re prepared, the university are really great at making sure everyone is up to the same speed but I’d suggest refreshing yourself to make sure you remember everything you were taught.