John Pearson, a Lecturer in Mathematics at SMSAS, has been awarded an IMA Leslie Fox Prize in Numerical Analysis at the 17th Leslie Fox Prize Meeting in Glasgow. In this competition two 1st and four 2nd prizes were given to scientists from Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, Telecom de ParisTech, and Kent – John was awarded a 2nd Prize for his paper ‘Fast iterative solvers for reaction-diffusion control models of chemical and biological processes’.
“The IMA Leslie Fox Prize for Numerical Analysis of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications is a biennial prize established in 1985 by the IMA in honour of mathematician Leslie Fox (1918-1992). The prize honours ”young numerical analysts worldwide” (any person who is less than 31 years old), and applicants submit papers for review. A committee reviews the papers, invites shortlisted candidates to give lectures at the IMA Leslie Fox Prize meeting, and then awards First Prize and Second Prizes based on “mathematical and algorithmic brilliance in tandem with presentational skills”.” For more information please see: