Dr Clelia Pech to Deliver a Talk at Algebra Conference in France

Lecturer in Mathematics, Dr Clelia Pech, from the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS) at the University of Kent, will deliver a talk at the Algebraic Groups: Geometry, Actions and Structures Conference in October and November.

Clelia will present a talk titled ‘Quantum cohomology for horospherical varieties’ at the Conference held at the UniversitĂ© Claude Bernard in Lyon, France



Non-homogeneous horospherical varieties have been classified by Pasquier and include the well known odd symplectic Grassmannians. In this talk I will explain how to study their quantum cohomology, with a view towards Dubrovin’s conjecture. In particular, I will describe the cohomology groups of these varieties as well as a Chevalley formula, and prove that many Gromov-Witten invariants are enumerative. The consequence is that we can prove in many cases that the quantum cohomology is semisimple. I will also give a presentation of the quantum cohomology ring for odd symplectic Grassmannians. Finally, I will explain mirror constructions in two cases. This is joint work with R. Gonzales, N. Perrin, and A. Samokhin.

For more information about the Conference, click here.


Dr Clelia Pech

Lecturer in Mathematics

Clelia is a Lecturer in Mathematics. She joined the School in 2015 from a postdoctoral research position at the Institut Camille Jordan in Lyon. Her research interests include, Mirror symmetry, Homogeneous and quasi-homogeneous spaces, Gromov-Witten theory, Derived categories, Cluster algebras, and Landau-Ginzburg models.