ASTIN Bulletin paper publication

Pradip Tapadar, MingJie Hao, and Guy Thomas, together with Professor Angus MacDonald from Heriot-Watt University, have recently had their co-authored paper “Insurance loss coverage under restricted risk … Read more

Antonis Alexandridis

Antonis has presented 3 papers in the following conferences: 1)      Alexandridis, A. and Hasan, M. (2015). Analysing the Multiscale Systematic Risk During the Global Financial … Read more

Congratulations to MingJie Hao

PhD student, Miss MingJie Hao, working with Pradip Tapadar, has been awarded a travel grant of £400 by the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, UK, to … Read more

Lectures & Seminars

Paul Sweeting has recently been in Tokyo, where he gave a lecture to the Institute of Actuaries of Japan on developments in UK pensions. The … Read more