One of Antonis Alexandidis’s papers has been accepted and will be presented in the Financial Econometric and Empirical Asset Pricing Conference
Global Financial Crisis and Multiscale Systematic Risk: Evidence from Selected European Markets, at the Financial Econometrics and Empirical Asset Pricing Conference which takes place in Lancaster from 30th June – 1st July. A second paper was accepted for publication in Electrical Power Systems Research: Wavelet Neural Network Methodology for Ground Resistance Forecasting. Electric Power Systems Research (with Androvitsaneas, V. P., Gonos, I. F., Dounias, G. D., Stathopoulos, I. A). (3*, Impact Factor: 1.749)
Antonis’s application to the Faculty of Sciences Research Funding ‐ Tranche 3 was successful and the full amount of £1,300 was awarded for the project “Extracting Market Expectations from Weather Derivatives”. Many congratulations to Antonis.