Each year the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) celebrates the outstanding contributions made to the development of statistics by awarding a series of medals and prizes. We’re delighted to say that Professor Rachel McCrea was among the 2020 winners, as was Emeritus Professor Byron Morgan.
The Guy Medal in Bronze is awarded to an RSS Research Fellow for excellent work published in the Society’s journals or presented at a Society event. The award recognises Rachel’s innovative and novel work in Statistical Ecology and in presenting the award the RSS commended Rachel’s development of goodness-of-fit tests and model selection strategies for complex ecological data.
Rachel commented; “It is a real honour to have been awarded the Guy Medal in Bronze, and it is fitting that the RSS is ensuring that Applied Statistics research is getting the recognition that it deserves. At a time when we face a biodiversity crisis, it is more important than ever that we make use of novel statistical methods to better understand the underlying causes of species decline.”