Statistics Paper Among Top 100 Read Ecology Papers

A paper by Professor of Statistics, Professor Martin Ridout, from the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science at Kent, and PhD Student, Izabela Menezes-Barata and Professor of Biological Conservation, Professor Richard Griffiths, from the School of Anthropology and Conservation at Kent, has been listed in the Top 100 most read ecology papers by Nature’s Scientic Reports open access publication.


The power of monitoring: optimizing survey designs to detect occupancy changes in a rare amphibian population


Biodiversity conservation requires reliable species assessments and rigorously designed surveys. However, determining the survey effort required to reliably detect population change can be challenging for rare, cryptic and elusive species. We used a tropical bromeliad-dwelling frog as a model system to explore a cost-effective sampling design that optimizes the chances of detecting a population decline. Relatively few sampling visits were needed to estimate occupancy and detectability with good precision, and to detect a 30% change in occupancy with 80% power. Detectability was influenced by observer expertise, which therefore also had an effect on the sampling design – less experienced observers require more sampling visits to detect the species. Even when the sampling design provides precise parameter estimates, only moderate to large changes in occupancy will be detected with reliable power. Detecting a population change of 15% or less requires a large number of sites to be surveyed, which might be unachievable for range-restricted species occurring at relatively few sites. Unless there is high initial occupancy, rare and cryptic species will be particularly challenging when it comes to detecting small population changes. This may be a particular issue for long-term monitoring of amphibians which often display low detectability and wide natural fluctuations.

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