Professor Peter Clarkson delivered a seminar at the University of Colorado

  "john-matychuk-284377-unsplash" by John Matychuk.

Professor of Mathematics, Professor Peter Clarkson, from the School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science (SMSAS) at the University of Kent, delivered a seminar at the University of Colorado this month (June 2018).

The Seminar titled, ‘Rational Solutions of the Boussinesq Equation and Applications to Rogue Waves’ was hosted by the Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado in Boulder, Colorado, USA.

Professor Peter Clarkson

Professor of Mathematics

Peter is a Professor of Mathematics, Chair of the School’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity Committee, member of the London Mathematical Society’s Women in Mathematics Committee, and Chair of the London Mathematical Society’s Good Practie Scheme. His research interests include PainlevĂ© equations and PainlevĂ© analysis, orthogonal polynomials and special functions, and exact solutions for nonlinear ordinary and partial differential equations.