Careers events week beginning 24 May

Monday 24 May

Breaking down job descriptions – 12.00-13.00

How to break down a job description to understand what an employer is looking for, particularly in relation to soft skills, and how to demonstrate these in your application

Bitesize session – Finding experience – 15.30-16.00

Are you looking for work experience opportunities either in the UK or abroad? Join this bitesized session for tips for gaining relevant experience, job hunting resources, and how to talk about your experience with a chance to ask questions.

Study Plus: Digital Writing – 17.30-19.00

Whether writing web pages, a corporate blog or helping to build a social media campaign, this session will give you the basics for writing compelling online content. It is highly interactive including group discussion and practical exercises.

Tuesday 25 May

Creating a Professional Online Presence – 12.00-13.00

Have you reviewed your digital footprint, and what it says about you to employers? What online tools are you using to raise your profile? This session will help you make sure you are presenting your best digital self when job hunting.

Budgeting – 13.00-13.30

One of the key ways to take control and manage your Financial Health is creating a budget. Budgeting can help you to create a spending plan for your money so that your money could work harder for you and that you stay on the right track to reaching your financial goals.

Postgraduate Study – 16.00-17.00

Are you considering postgraduate study? Find out about how to find courses, the application process and how to write a personal statement.

Wednesday 26 May

Study Plus: Understanding Leadership Styles – 11.00-12.30

To understand what we mean by leadership style, the importance of knowing your preferred style but when and how to use alternative styles. Also covered would be how to work effectively with your managers leadership style and the importance understanding leadership preferences and styles can help aid resilience.

How to find a Graduate Job – 13.00-14.00

This session will focus on finding graduate work, including graduate schemes, graduate jobs and job-hunting methods (proactive and reactive methods), plus application tips!

Study Plus: Coding for beginners – Python by FDM – 14.00-15.30

An introductory session for those looking to learn the basics of programming in Python. There is a practical demonstration for this event to allow you to follow along – so please use an online tool such as or download a python IDE to your computer.

Thursday 27 May

Covering Letters (the basics) – 11.00-12.00

Never written a covering letter? Here is the basic structure we recommend and some things to think about.

Managing Debt – 13.00-13.30

Would you like to find our more on managing debt to help you be financially fit? Dealing with money issues can sometimes be off-putting, and feeling overwhelming, but if you don’t know how and where to get support, you could end up losing out financially, this presentation signpost support services and information to help you get back on track.

Selection Tests – 14.00-15.00

Often referred to as Psychometric tests, graduate recruiters often use verbal/numerical/logical reasoning, situational judgement, personality and game-based tests as part of their selection process. Find out more about these tests and to learn about Graduates First, an online facility where Kent students can practise them.

Friday 28 May

Bitesize session: Succeeding in applications – 13.00-13.30

Are you struggling to get through the application process or want to know more about the variety of methods used in selecting and recruiting candidates? Join this bitesized session for tips and techniques that can be used to maximise application success and your chance to ask questions.

Study Plus: Coaching Skills – 14.00-15.30

This 2-hour workshop course will provide you with useful communication and leadership skills that will enhance your ability to build relationships and gain respect.

Creating a Great CV – 14.00-15.00

This presentation will cover the do’s and don’ts when it comes to creating a great CV and covering letter, including how to structure a CV and how to make an impact!

careers events 26-28 May