Bright Network Technology Academy are offering an introduction to Python course. Created for beginners and takes 4-4.5 hours in total.
Made up of five different modules, this course will give you a broad understanding on Python and is a great way to kickstart your coding journey. These videos are all designed for beginners and have been created by Ellie Sleightholm, founder of Code of the Future.
5 Modules in the course:
- Getting started with Python – 50-60mins
- Basic Functions of Python: Lists, loops and mimi projects – 50-60mins
- Basic Functions of Python: mini project, game and booleans, while loop and if statement – 40-45mins
- Basic Functions of Python: functions, plotting graphs, types and logical operations and strings – 60-70mins
- BasicFunctions of Python: random password generator, tuples and quiz – 40-45mins
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