Santander are offering 400 scholarships for their emerging technologies programme
The programme: Santander Tech Scholarships | Emerging Technologies Programmes by MIT Professional Education is part of the #InvestInYou initiative.
This is a 100% online programme, developed for students, university graduates and young professionals between 20 and 35 years old. Santander is offering 400 Scholarships to allow successful applicants to choose one of the 4 excellent online 8-week Professional Certificate programmes (see below) offered by MIT Professional Education –
• Blockchain: DisruptiveTechnology
• Cloud & DevOps: ContinuousTransformation
• Machine Learning: From Data to Decisions
• Designing Product Families: From Strategy to Implementation
The programmecan be completed in any of these 3 languages: Spanish, Portuguese, or English.
The programmewill last 8 weeks, and is developed jointly with the prestigious MIT Professional Education.
• Undergraduates. Graduates, Postgraduates
• 20 to 35 years old
• 13 countries: Germany, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, United States, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Poland, Portugal, United Kingdom and Uruguay
• Application window closes on December 30th
Application & Further information available below and through Santander Scholarship Platform Link