Nostalgia podcast with William Price

Chris Deacy and William Price

In the latest episode of the Nostalgia podcast series, Dr Chris Deacy, Reader in Theology and Religious Studies in the Department of Religious Studies, interviews Dr William Price.

William taught Chris when he was an undergraduate at the then-University of Wales, Lampeter – now University of Wales Trinity Saint David – in the early 1990s. In this insightful interview, the pair talk about what attracted William to Lampeter when he started working there in 1970; what it is about Lampeter that is unique; what his earliest memories are; the influences in his youth of piano music; ‘Dan Dare’ and railways; studying History in Oxford at the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis; why Austin Farrer is his biggest hero; ‘riding two horses’ in the sense of holding both academic and clerical professions; and why he has no regrets about the choices he has made in his life.

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