Registration is now open for Teaching Sustainability: Sustainable Teaching, a one-day event taking place on Friday 1st March in Keynes College focused on sustainability in the curriculum. Hosted by William Rowlandson, Senior Lecturer in Hispanic Studies for the Department of Modern Languages, and Catherine Morris Environmental Adviser in the Estates Department’s Sustainability Team, the event is open to both staff and students and interested staff from professional services departments are welcome to attend.
The principle objective of the conference is to develop networks amongst staff and students across the University and in other institutions, in order to provide a common platform for contributing to the embedding of the UN Sustainability Development Goals in the University’s curriculum.
Following the University’s commitment to embed sustainability into all areas of operation, this event will feature speakers from across the sector giving insight into how these issues have been addressed at different universities. The event will cover a wide range of approaches including the creation of stand-alone sustainability modules, incorporating sustainability topics into existing teaching and utilising pedagogy to embed sustainability skills. This will be followed by opportunities for students and staff to look at ways these approaches can be employed at Kent, and to begin the process of co-creation of curriculum content.
The conference is supported by Professor April McMahon, Deputy Vice-Chancellor Education, through the Teaching Enhancement Small Support Award (TESSA).
Further support has been provided by the Master of Keynes College, Chloé Gallien, as part of Keynes College 50 year anniversary celebrations.
More information and links to registration for the event can be found here.