Congratulations to Sumio Kobayashi

Sumio Kobayashi

Sumio Kobayashi, a PhD student in Linguistics, has recently won a third prize at the Weimarer Frühjahrstage für zeitgenössische Musik [Weimar Spring Festival of Contemporary Music] in Germany, for orchestral compostion on marimba. The festival attracted international competition, with entrants from all over the world, including Germany, Austria, Korea, Japan, China, Croatia, France, Spain, Italy and the Switzerland.

Music composition is related to Sumio’s own PhD research in linguistics, supervised by Professor Amalia Arvaniti, with a project on  ‘Prosody of Language and Music’, examining the relationship between speech rhythm and music.

The festival was held over 13 to 17 April. To see the original German news article (in German), please see the webpage:

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