Paul March-Russell to talk at Wunderkammer

Cover of Modernism and Science Fiction by Paul March-Russell

Dr Paul March-Russell from the Department of Comparative Literature is to talk at the Wunderkammer reading group on Tuesday 9 February. The reading group is organised by the Centre for History of the Sciences and meets alternate Tuesdays at 5.30pm in the Unicorn Inn, St Dunstan’s, Canterbury.

Paul’s talk entitled ‘Modernism and Science Fiction and Pulp Modernism, in Modernism and Science Fiction’ (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015), pp. 1-10 and 85-116 will be looking at the relationship between modernism and technology, questioning some of the claims that have built up around the movement’s alleged technophobia, as well as reassessing its responses to popular culture, in this instance, science fiction.

Full details of the reading group are available at:

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