Centre for Modern European Literature welcomes Lucie Campos

Dr Lucie Campos

Last term, the Centre for Modern European Literature launched a programme of Visiting Research Fellowships. Following the inaugural fellowship of Dr Marcel Lepper, the Centre will be welcoming  Dr Lucie Campos to Canterbury from today, 24 March, to 5 April 2014.

Lucie Campos Mitchell has been teaching comparative literature since 2004 in a number of French universities (Versailles, Poitiers, Caen, Reims, Toulouse). She is currently maître de conférences at the Collège de France in Paris where she works for the Institut du Monde Contemporain as a co-editor of the online journal La vie des idées [Books & Ideas]. She has worked on intersections between literature, history and politics in 19th and 20th century literature, namely in the works of J.M. Coetzee, W.G. Sebald and Imre Kertész, and is the author of Fictions de l’après: Coetzee, Kertész, Sebald (Classiques Garnier, 2012). Co-edited volumes include (with Georges Chapouthier, Catherine Coquio and Jean-Paul Engélibert) La question animale (Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2011) and (with Raphaëlle Guidée) ‘W.G. Sebald’, a special issue of Europe (March 2013). She is currently preparing another volume on Imre Kertész (Autumn 2014). She is also general editor (with Catherine Coquio and Emmanuel Bouju) of the book series Littérature, histoire, politique for Classiques Garnier.

She will be presenting a paper and workshop during her visit to the Centre. The first is Wednesday 26 March, where she will deliver her paper ‘History with Pathos’ at 5pm in Cornwallis Seminar Room 2; the second will be on Tuesday 1 April, a workshop entitled ‘Online Publishing in the Humanities’, venue to be confirmed.

Both staff and students are welcome to these events; postgraduates who are themselves involved in online publishing ventures are particularly encouraged to attend.

For more details of the events, please see the Centre’s events calendar:


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