We are delighted to share the news that the fourth Modern Languages Teaching Forum, made possible thanks to the generous support of the University Council of Modern Languages (UCML), will take place on Wednesday 2 December 2020 from 16.00-19.00 via Zoom. Due to the current Coronavirus situation, the Forum will be dedicated once more to ‘Distance Learning in Modern Languages’. On request of participants at the previous forum, the focus will be in particular on online assessment. Participation to the forum is free of charge, please register in advance.
We are delighted to announce the programme for the event:
16.00-16.15: Wissia Fiorucci and Alvise Sforza Tarabochia – Welcome
16.15-16.30: Sandra Parmegiani and Enrica Aurora Cominetti (University of Guelph), Synchronous and Asynchronous Online Assessment through the Adoption of an Integrated Learning Management System
16.30-16.45: Roxanne Doerr and Annalisa Zanola (University of Brescia), Customizing Online Self-Assessment of English Grammar Competence for the Strategic Designing and Implementation of Higher Education Courses
16.45-17.00: Roundtable presentation of asynchronous papers and workshops*
17.00-17.05: Screen Break
17.05-17.20: Benjamin Dufour (University of Kent), Songs in the Time of Corona: the Utilisation of Songs in Distance Grammar Learning
17.20-17.45: Zsuzsanna Barkanyi and Karina von Lindeiner (Open University), Toolkit: Moving Your Language Teaching Online
17.45-17.50: Screen Break
17.50-18.20: Benjamin Dufour, Alexis Silvestri, Laura Stecca (University of Kent), Workshop: Testing at a Distance – Online Tools for Synchronous and Asynchronous Assessment
18.20-18.50: Wei Shao (Cardiff University), Workshop: Interactive Discussion Boards in the Online Language Classroom
Please register in advance for this event.
* Asynchronous papers and workshops will be made available shortly before the Forum.
- Marion Coderch (Durham University), Assessment of Language Modules in Emergency Remote Teaching
- Antonella Giacosa (University of Torino), Experiencing Continuous and Authentic Assessment in the New Normal. Lecturers’ and Students’ Perceptions
- Livia Manzini (University of Birmingham), The Online Training and Assessment of Italian Pronunciation and Intonation
- Nazaret Perez-Prieto (Cardiff University), Workshop: Translation into Spanish Assessment: New Approaches to New Challenges
- Simona Scanni (University of Birmingham), Effectiveness of Online Language Learning: A Case Study of Italian as a Foreign Language
If you haven’t done so already, you can also subscribe to the Forum mailing list for information about future events.