In the latest episode of the Nostalgia podcast series, Chris Deacy, Head of the Department of Religious Studies, interviews Carla Morris from the Centre for English & World Languages.
In this episode, Carla talks about growing up in Dublin, being one of only two Roman Catholics to go to a Methodist school, the curious journey she went on after doing her degree at Trinity College, including travelling the world, her father’s involvement in Irish politics, Tony Blair’s rationale for going to war in Iraq, the role of faith and theism, the nostalgia she gets from going to Mass, and how she feels about going to her 40th anniversary school reunion.
Please don’t forget about Chris’s Nostalgia Night event on Friday! The evening will feature a quiz around TV and radio themes and live music will be provided by Daniel Harding (piano), and students from the University of Kent.
This event is part of the Being Human festival, led by the School of Advanced Study, University of London, in partnership with the Arts & Humanities Research Council and the British Academy. There are still some tickets left!