In memoriam: John Court

A white lily

It was with great sadness that the School of European Culture and Languages learned of the death of John Court, Honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Department of Religious Studies.

John was a great New Testament specialist and was a key figure in the development of what was then the Department of Theology and Religious Studies from his arrival at the University in 1969. He developed the Biblical Studies programmes for many years and supported visits to the Holy Land for students. He also worked with Professor Robin Gill, the first Michael Ramsey Professor of Modern Theology at Kent, on the development of the Masters programme in Applied Theology and continued to be involved in the Department after his retirement in his Honorary role.

John also supported the University of Kent 50th anniversary celebrations in Theology & Religious Studies – when the Department hosted the British Association for the Study of Religions conference in 2015 – providing knowledge and information on 50 years of Religious Studies at the University of Kent.

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