Congratulations to all graduating today

Prize giving before graduation, 2013

Today saw our final-year undergraduate students receive their degree in Canterbury Cathedral, with a celebration party at SECL in the morning. In addition to the degree awarding ceremony, there was a small prize giving within the school to celebrate the acheivements of our students throughout their study. The breakdown of the prizewinners is as follows:

Classical & Archaeological Studies

Best Dissertation (joint winners)
Daniella Carpenter
Dan Stocker-Williams

KH Lee Ancient Language Prize  and Tom Blagg Prize
Joshua Gamgee

Comparative Literature

Best Dissertation
Emily Sayer

Second Best Final Dissertation (joint winners)
Lucy Burgess
Lesley Grey
Elizabeth Ellis

Best Overall Achievement and Dissertation
Josh Budd

English Language & Linguistics

Highest Overall Performance in Stage 3
Priyanka Sinha


Best Final Year Dissertation
Jack Barsby

Best Achievement in Ab Initio French and Best Joint Honours First Class Mark
Teresa Lee


Most Improved Student
Kirsty Bailey

Greatest Contribution to German at Kent
Tom Bridges

Best Overall Achievement
Joe Dowsing

Hispanic Studies

Peninsula Award
Marcus Dean

Best Academic Progression
Grace Dellar
Elizabeth Pereyra Aylas

Best Overall Student Award
Daniel Morris

Catalan (joint winners)
Daniel Morris
Connor Puhlao-Grover

Latin American Award
Maria Ivone Unzer Duke


Achievement Award
Nicole Ciucciove

Best Performance and Best Improvement Award
Scott Clampitt


Keith Jones Prize (joint winners)
Philip Hall
Byron Kuiter
Alice Lepeuple
M.C. Price
A. Jarvis

Religious Studies

Theology and Religious Studies Prize
Jo Gray

Participation Prize
Sanda Maurer

Congratulations to all concerned, and we hope you enjoyed your special today whether receiving a prize or receiving your degree.


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