In the latest episode of he Nostalgia podcast series, Chris Deacy, Reader in Theology and Religious Studies, interviews Timothy Brittain-Catlin, a Reader in the University’s School of Architecture and Planning, who hails from a very famous family. His grandmother was Vera Brittain while his aunt is Baroness (Shirley) Williams, former Labour Cabinet Minister, founding member of the SDP and a Liberal Democrat peer.
In this very informative interview, Timothy and Chris talk about how some buildings elude architects; why the sat nav is ‘the work of the devil’; having a very vivid memory around buildings; what dreams are about; having a voice coach during his time in Israel; the power of music (including ‘Morningtown Ride’); submitting a building rather than an article for the University’s REF; how architectural critiques come from personal experience; how memories can be falsely remembered; correcting the past; his family’s religious heritage; whether his aunt could have gone on to become Leader of the Opposition; why he doesn’t look back at the past too inquisitively; and why the style with which we write doesn’t really reflect our personality.