The Department of Classical and Archaeological Studies is delighted to announce that Paula Lock has completed her PhD under the supervision of Professor Ray Laurence and Dr Rosie Wyles.
Paula’s thesis is titled ‘A design for life: The lived experience of the Roman bar’. Ancient Roman bars are one of the more obvious aspects of commercial activity in the urban environment. The archaeological remains and the written evidence are testament to their central role in the economic and social life of the city. From the lower classes who frequented them on a daily basis to the elite who vehemently disparaged them, they were an important part of everyday life. However, these establishments are, in many ways, only superficially understood, an issue this thesis aims to correct. Through a detailed assessment of remains at Pompeii, Herculaneum and Ostia, Paula rationalises bar design, decoration, spatial layout and physical distribution.
Congratulations to Paula on her achievement.
Interested in postgraduate study at the University of Kent? Find out more about the PhD in Classical and Archaeological Studies.