The Student Success Project is an initiative introduced to help improve student performance, led in the School of European Culture & Langauges (SECL) by Dr Laura Bailey, Lecturer in the Department of English Language & Linguistics.
On the project, Laura writes: “We are really lucky to be one of the pilot schools chosen for the Student Success Project. This means that I spend most of my time (when I’m not doing linguistics) on Student Success initiatives, designed to enhance everyone’s achievement and create a diverse and inclusive learning environment. My guiding principles have been: that Student Success events should be the norm for everyone, not just a boost for those who are struggling; and that we should be outspoken about representation and diversity. Last term, I ran weekly workshops aimed at students who are doing fine, but really want to excel.
This term, being vocal about equality has included putting on a lot of Inspirational Speakers events: those that explicitly deal with race, class, disability, and their relation to academia and to SECL subjects. The next event is a panel discussion about ‘black voice’ following the screening of Sorry to Bother You at the Gulbenkian on Tuesday 29 January.”
To find out more about the project, what Laura is doing, and if you have any thoughts about equality, representation, and Student Success in general, drop by her office (Cornwallis Central 104) or send her an email at