The Year in Computing gives Kent students from any subject area the opportunity to add a Year in Computing to their degree to help improve their skills and employability. To help interested students find out more, the School of Computing, have arranged a “kick start lunch”, with free pizza, on Tuesday 22 January,12.30-14.00, in Cornwallis SW101.
Many students are keen to learn the tech skills that will make them stand out to a graduate employer, or simply want to learn more about computing for their own interests. The Year in Computing is a free-standing, self-contained year, offered to Kent students from any subject area* and can be taken after stage 2 or any subsequent year of your degree (including your final year). This extra year can be taken after stage 2 or the final year of a students’ current degree programme.
Cassie Haughton-James, BSC Comparative Literature and English & American Literature with a Year Abroad and a Year in Computing, says: ‘I chose to do a Year in Computing for two reasons. My home degree is very reading and writing based and not so much numerical data. I wanted something that bought more of that quantitative side. Secondly at school IT was something I was really bad at and I wanted to become more accustomed to using technology at a more advanced level.’
The Year in Computing will especially be of interest to you if:
- you are interested in studying computing AND your current degree,
- you would like to get prepared for a career in tech,
- you are interested in exploring the frontiers of your subject and computing,
- you want to learn how to be creative with computing.
If you would like to attend, please book your place online.
(*with the exception of students from the School of Computing and School of Psychology)