Skepsi will be holding its 11th annual disciplinary conference this week, under the theme ‘Wandering and Home’. The event will be held this Friday, 25 May 2018.
Skepsi is a peer-reviewed online journal produced within the School of European Culture and Languages (SECL). It is run by our PhD/MA candidates, with the support of established and early career academics, and commits to publishing the work of postgraduate students and emerging scholars.
The full programme is below:
9.30am – 10am: Registration in Grimond Foyer
10am – 10.05am: Welcome
10.05 – 11.05am: Panel I: Wandering and Migration (Chair: Aina)
Dr Sigrid Newman (Universität zu Köln): ‘Strangers in a Strange Land’?: Literary representations of loss, exile and home
Dr Alexandra Sattler (University of Birmingham): Wandering and Home in Libuše Moníková’s writing
11.05am – 11.25am: Coffee break
11.25am – 12.25pm Panel II: On Urban Wandering (Chair: Muradije)
Ann Kinzer (University of Kent): Tracing the origins of flânerie
Domonique Davies (University of Kent): Are We There Yet? The Gradual Abstraction of Wandering in Fisher’s City, Dorn’s Gunslinger, and Ashbery’s Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror
12.25pm – 1.15pm: Lunch
1.15pm – 2.45pm Panel III: Postmodern Wandering (Chair: Harriet)
John Runde (University of Royal Holloway): Mapping Displacement and the Loss-of-Home in Charlotte Salomon’s Life? or Theatre?: Body-Postures, Material Objects, Inscriptions of Art and the Space of “In-between-ness”
Matthew Gibson (University of Kent): Robinson à Paris? Or wandering ‘blind’ in the Célinian banlieue
Richard Marklew (Freie Universität Berlin): Wandering – When it’s at Home: Samuel Beckett’s Mercier and Camier and the Phenomenology of Wandering.
2.45pm – 3.05pm: Coffee break
3.05pm – 4.05pm: Panel IV: Strangers at Home (Chair: Silvia)
Muradije Kijak (University of Kent): Margins, Villas, and Gecekondu: César Aira, Latife Tekin, and the Urban Peripheries of Istanbul and Buenos Aires
Aina Marti (University of Kent): Wandering and the Male Crisis of Domesticity in En ménage (1882) and Traumnovelle (1926)
4.05pm – 4.25pm: Coffee break
4.25pm – 5.10pm: Keynote Lecture (Chair: Ann)
Professor Rachel Bowlby (UCL/Princeton): Not at home — Some Wandering Subjects in Austen, Perec and Elsewhere
Wine Reception (followed by dinner in town).
This conference is free and open to all.