Yvonne Sherwood on the Bible and feminism

Cover of The Bible and Feminism

Yvonne Sherwood, Professor of Biblical Cultures and Politics in the Department of Religious Studies, has just edited a new collection entitled The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field (Oxford University Press, 2017).

The book promises to be a groundbreaking work, departing from established canons and resisting some of the stereotypes of feminist biblical studies. It features a wide range of contributors who showcase new methodological and theoretical movements such as feminist materialisms, intersectionality, postidentitarian ‘nomadic’ politics, gender archaeology, and lived religion, and theories of the human and the posthuman.

The Bible and Feminism: Remapping the Field engages a range of social and political issues, including migration and xenophobia, divorce and family law, abortion, ‘pinkwashing’, the neoliberal university, the second amendment, AIDS and sexual trafficking, and the politics of ‘the veil’.

The collection combines new interventions from key figures in the field of feminist Biblical Studies with work from younger scholars and academics from a wide range of disciplines, with over 37 chapters over 700 pages in total.

For more details, please see the Oxford University Press page here:

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