Sophia Labadi on museums and immigration

Cover of Museums, Immigrants and Social Justice

Dr Sophia Labadi, Senior Lecturer in Heritage and Archaeology in the Department of Classical & Archaeological Studies, has just published a new work entitled Museums, Immigrants, and Social Justice (Routledge, 2017).

The interdisciplinary book argues that museums can offer a powerful, and often overlooked, arena for both exploring and acting upon the interrelated issues of immigration and social justice. Based on three in-depth European case studies, spanning France, Denmark, and the UK, the research examines programs developed by three leading museums to address cultural, economic, social and political inequalities. Where previous studies on museums and immigration have focused primarily on issues of cultural inequalities in collection and interpretation, Museums, Immigrants, and Social Justice adopts a more comprehensive focus that extends beyond the exhibition hall to examine the full range of programs developed by museums to address the of cultural, economic, social and political inequalities facing immigrants.

The book offers compelling insights on the ability of museums to offer positive contributions to the issues surrounding immigration and social justice at a time when both are pressing issues in Europe. It will be of interest to scholars and students of museum studies, migration studies, sociology, human geography and politics.

For more details, please see the publisher’s page here:

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