Panel discussion to ask about the future of Brexit

Composite image of the Union Jack and the European Union flag to represent the referendum debate

The Department of Philosophy will be hosting a panel discussion to  ask  ‘What About Brexit?’, at the Gulbenkian on Thursday 21 September 2017.

Over a year after the referendum, there is hardly any clarity about what Brexit will entail. The immigration and economics policies on which the media focus often raise more questions than provide answers. The discussion will be led by three experts from the University of Kent, aimed at engaging students and the public on understanding Brexit from the perspectives of law, philosophy and politics.

On the panel will be: Dr Philip Cunliffe, from the School of Politics and International Relations;  Dr Edward Kanterian, from Department of Philosophy;  Graham Tegg, Clinical Solicitor from the Kent Law School; and Tobias Kleim from both Canterbury Christchurch University and Kent Law School. The discussion will be moderated by Dr Alexandra Couto from the Department of Philosophy.

Each will present a 10-15 minute talk with  time left for an open discussion with the audience. The event will start at 4pm at the Gulbenkian cinema.

For more details, please see the page here:


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