Steve Willis hosts Kent Archaeological Society AGM

Andy Bates undertaking geophysical survey

Dr Steve Willis from the Department of Classical & Archaeological Studies, hosted the Kent Archaeological Society (KAS) AGM at the University of Kent, Eliot College on Saturday 20 May 2017.

KAS promotes the study and publication of archaeology and history within the ancient county of Kent. The Society’s interests are not confined to archaeological fieldwork, it’s objects cover all types of archaeological, architectural and artefact study and local history in the widest sense. This includes ancient monuments, historic buildings, genealogy, industrial archaeology and local history research.

The University of Kent former Chancellor, Sir Robert Worcester, attended the AGM and Andy Bates, a Classical & Archaeological Studies PhD student, gave a talk on the Hillforts at Oldbury and Bigbury. Steve gave a talk on fieldwork at the Lees Court Estate, a Kent Archaeological Society initiative involving Kent students in training and learning; the area examined so far has several likely Bronze Age barrows hitherto unrecorded and has produced flint tools and flint tool manufacturing evidence of the later Neolithic and early Bronze Age; the research there continues.

KAS have also granted £750 to support fieldwork training for University of Kent students this year.

Further information on the Kent Archaeological Society is available at:

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