Call for papers and panels for BASR 2015

Imagery for the British Association for the Study of Religion conference site

In the 50th year of the University of Kent, the Department of Religious Studies is hosting the British Association for the Study of Religions‘ annual conference, titled with the theme ‘Religion in the Local and Global: Interdisciplinary Challenges’.

In an age of global interconnection what counts as religion is being redefined and is under increasing scrutiny. It is now impossible to conceive of the global-political without attention to the religious-secular, the increasing tension between the local and trans-national and new modes of community and religiosity. Cultural habits, individual identity, social structures, philosophical categories and economic exchanges are all being transformed by a new sense of time, space and interconnection.

The conference will explore its themes across a range of disciplinary perspectives, including religion, politics, anthropology, sociology, psychology and philosophy. The aim is to bring together a range of disciplinary perspectives on the study of religion to explore the local/global challenge to conventional assumptions about religion, both in empirical and theoretical perspectives. Each perspective seeks to set up a challenge to how different ways of thinking about religion are determined by interlocking global and local issues, concerns and social realities.

Panel and paper proposals should be submitted with the following details: name(s), affiliation(s), title, and abstract of no more than 300 words. Panels proposals are welcome on the suggested themes and should include a brief description of the panel themes and the abstracts for the papers.

Please send abstracts as a Word document attachment to Professor Jeremy Carrette at

The deadline for submissions is: Monday 15 June 2015

To keep up to date about the conference, and for a comprehensive list of suggested topics, please see the dedicated conference page:

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