Dr Paul March-Russell from the Department of Comparative Literature has been invited to write the programme guide for the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre, London.
As part of their Christmas schedule, the theatre is putting on a series of short story readings under the theme ‘Winter’s Tales’. The stories are written by some of the world’s finest writers – Anton Chekhov, Katherine Mansfield, D H Lawrence, James Joyce, F Scott Fitzgerald and Daphne du Maurier. Each tale will be read by candlelight by some of the country’s best-known actors – Penelope Wilton, Aiden Gillen, James Norton, to name a few.
Paul will be providing 500 words commentary on the approach that each writer takes to their story.
The readings will begin on 21 December 2014 with Checkov’s The Lady with the Little Dog, with the final story, Daphne du Maurier’s The Birds, on 5 January 2015.
For details of ‘Winter’s Tales’, please see the webpage here: