Competition: ‘The Origins of Human Language’

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The Department of English Language & Linguistics invites all students to participate in a competition for the creation of an exhibit, to be included in their forthcoming ‘Genius of Language’ exhibition at The Beaney House of Art and Knowledge, in the centre of Canterbury.

The theme of the competition is ‘The Origins of Human Language’ and entrants are asked to prepare an interactive exhibit (such as a poster, video, diorama, or activity) that illustrates the origins and evolution of language.

Students of all stages can participate, and group work is particularly encouraged. All participants gain employability points, and all materials entering the competition will be displayed in the Linguistics Lab during the term. The winners will be given gift vouchers for the Gulbenkian Theatre & Cinema.

The deadline is 7 November 2014 for all materials to be submitted; the winners will be announced on the 11 November.

The winning submission will be exhibited at The Beaney on 16 November 2014,

Entrants must indicate their intention to participate to Dr Tamara Rathcke, via her email, and are welcome to discuss their plans for the exhibit with her.

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