Dr Jeremy Scott, from the Department of English Language & Linguistics, is organising the 2015 conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA). The conference will take place at Kent on the 15-18 July 2015.
The theme of the conference is ‘creative style’, and the organising committee particularly welcomes abstracts that address the notion of stylistics as a means of exploring creativity. They are interested in any abstracts that explore broader areas of stylistics and, in particular, its relationships to other disciplines such as pragmatics, semantics, narratology, literary studies, cultural studies, language teaching and translation.
Confirmed keynote speakers:
- Peter Blair (University of Chester)
- Siobhan Chapman (University of Liverpool)
- Joanna Gavins (University of Sheffield)
- Marina Lambrou (Kingston University London)
- Jennifer Riddle Harding (Washington & Jefferson College)
Abstracts should be no more 250 words, and should also include your full name, affiliation, academic position, postal address, email address, the title of your paper and five keywords. Please submit completed abstracts as a Word attachment to: PALA2015@kent.ac.uk
The deadline for submission is 30 January 2015.
Further information will be available on the conference website, which will be updated over the coming months: http://blogs.kent.ac.uk/creative-style-conference/