Launch of the Kent German Network

German flag

The Department of German will launch the Kent German Network (KGN) today at the University of Kent Canterbury campus. The aim of the KGN is to act as a regional hub for those teaching and learning German at all levels and to raise awareness of the benefits to be gained from learning about the German-speaking countries. The network will foster links between Kent and national and international organisations that promote German and German-language culture and business.

Representatives from national and international organisations will run a series of information sessions at the launch, aimed in particular at local schools and businesses. There will also be two open forums at which everyone is invited to talk about their experiences of learning, teaching or working with German and to discuss shared challenges and opportunities.

This new initiative is open to anyone who has an interest in the German language and German-language culture and/or has business with German-speaking countries. Representatives of the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, London and the Austrian Cultural Forum, London will also be present.

Further details and the full programme of events are available at:

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