Paul March-Russell’s first issue of Foundation

Cover of Foundation, issue 116

The first issue of Foundation, the leading science-fiction journal, to be edited by Dr Paul March-Russell from the Department of Comparative Literature has just been published.

The issue is number 116 of the long-running journal and begins with an editorial from Paul. ‘And so Matt Smith has regenerated into Peter Capaldi. Likewise, Graham Sleight [the previous editor] has metamorphosed into me’, he explains, using a Doctor Who analogy to describe taking over the role.

The issue presents a tribute to the seminal science-fiction author Iain Banks, who sadly passed away last year. The contents include:

  • Robert Duggan, ‘Inside the Whale and Outside Context Problems’
  • Paul Kincaid, ‘Far Too Strange: The Early Fiction of Iain Banks’
  • Joe Norman, ‘”Books of Truth”: Iain M. Banks – Atheist, Secularist, Humanist’
  • Andrew J. Wilson, ‘Lightly Seared on the Reality Grill: Conversations with Iain Menzies Banks’.

Also included are a number of review articles and plenty of book reviews.

The journal is published by the Science Fiction Foundation. For more details about the publication, please see the journal’s homepage here:

An online interview with Paul about the journal can be viewed here:

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