January edition of The Reasoner now available

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The Reasoner is our monthly digest highlighting exciting new research on reasoning, inference and method in the broadest meaning of the terms. The latest issue, January 2014, is now available.

The January contents include:

  • Editorial – Amit Pundik
  • Interview with Hanoch Dagan – Amit Pundik
  • The Dappled World Perspective Refined – Karlis Podnieks
  • Scientific reasoning can be circular – William A. Bauer
  • Arché / CSMN Graduate Conference, 2-3 November – Sebastian Becker, Bruno Jacinto & Jola Feix
  • Logic and Rational Interaction – Dominik Klein
  • Uncertain Reasoning – Hykel Hosni

To download your copy, please go to: www.thereasoner.org

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